Gomez Law PLLC.

My office is operating during the COVID-19 crisis. I am also available online and by phone. I will soon have a remote online notarization system, which is a video-based platform that will allow me to meet with clients and sign and notarize documents remotely.

Are Family Law Courts Still Functional In Minnesota?

In Minnesota, court-ordered agreements must be adhered to, even during the COVID-19 crisis. This means that the shelter-in-place order does not apply to parenting time agreements. With that said, some parents might want to pause visits with their children due to concerns about contracting or transmitting the illness to their child. If this is the case, then there needs to be an arrangement for compensatory time with the child.

Most of my April hearings were pushed off until May, June, and July. The courts seem to be holding hearings on a case-by-case basis. Emergency cases, such as those involving an order for protection, are being scheduled in person.

For more information on Operating During The COVID-9 Crisis, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (763) 284-5552 today.

Kathleen Gomez

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(763) 284-5552

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